
Restaurants Don’t Have to Miss Any Potential Booking Opportunities

The Onhold Studio Restaurant Profit Partner System never misses a call. Always available to promote your latest specials or offers to every caller.

How many times have you called a restaurant that claims exceptional service, amazing food and an unforgettable experience?

Your expectations are through the roof! You eagerly call them to make a booking for that special occasion and your first initial experience is the engaged tone. After your third attempt you get through your are faced with silence. Unsure if they’ve hung up you try again and all you hear is the engaged tone!

A Lost Opportunity!

Too many Restaurants miss these golden opportunities to maximise on their caller’s experience and reduce lost booking opportunities.

With our solution. Every call is answered. No Engaged tone. Callers are professionally welcomed and informed of special offers. On hold, callers are even given other options for their booking arrangements if they are in a hurry. Keep your callers focused on some of the exciting menu options and special events coming up!

60% of customers call to reserve a table. How much could a missed call cost you?

When you find a good restaurant, you are loyal and even recommend you to their friends and family.

That one missed call can turn into many hundreds of pounds in lost residual revenue.

Restaurant Profit Partner System

  • 24/7 greetings. Present a professional image to guests. Restaurants are fast paced, and if your host or maître d’ is helping customers, other customers could get frustrated waiting on the phone. Ordering take-away, asking about dietary requirements, or confirming directions to your location. With the Profit Partner System, you answer calls quicker.
  • Work remotely. Restaurant managers are often on the go checking on suppliers, and the chef is in the kitchen working with staff to perfect the menu. The two need to be in constant communication, and the OHS Connect System can keep your staff
  • Notify the right staff easily. You can create customisable ring groups that route calls to departments or staff members. Calls from suppliers can go straight to restaurant management. Other calls are routed straight to the kitchen team and the chef. And guest calls go to the host. Connected no matter where they are.
  • Boost customer service. Maintain fast call-back times with Caller-ID in Call Logs to easily confirm reservations. You can even seamlessly record calls to review for training purposes

Have a listen…

Hungry to learn more?

Fill in our Free Demo form and we’ll send over audio examples from your industry and a bespoke audio sample to share with your team.

You rarely get a second chance to make a first impression, we can help you make that first impression count.

About us and this blog

Onhold Studio has been developing custom on hold audio messages for almost two decades! We specialise in audio marketing for both VoIP and conventional telephone systems. Our team can handle every step of the process for you, whether you need music or on hold messaging, call menu options, or out-of-hours audio messages.